0039 0166/92150 hotelalcaminetto@libero.it
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the faMily of CamiNetto

Small mountain hotel.
We are hotel owner from 3 generations and our home is a little mountain hotel where you can live the traditions and the true mountain spirit, where a client is not a client but a guest who will enter in our family: the family of Caminetto.

We have a great passion from more generations: meet you between our mountains and every week, every day, every hour and in all moments with a nice smile we will go with you in your vacations with the warm of our family.

We don’t have the services of big hotel, but a good morning with the perfume of a coffee and just make bread, a suggestion over a mountain path or a ski slope or a monument and the story of our and your emotions around the fire of our Caminetto.

How do you sleep in CamiNetto?

Our rooms have a nice view over the mountains, you can see it on the balcony and they have all the comfort that an hotel must have: good bed, toilet with everything, tv and free wifi.

How do you eat at CamiNetto?

The first answer that our guest say is : too much! The second (we hope and think) Good! We try to continue the tradition of our grandfather with healthy homemade plates, following the tradition of our Valley and Italy.

How do you eat at CamiNetto?

The first answer that our guest say is : too much! The second (we hope and think) Good! We try to continue the tradition of our grandfather with healthy homemade plates, following the tradition of our Valley and Italy.